
live & love & don't let go


07-11-2013, 09:40 AM

Despite the fact that they were out in the open, the thought never occurred to him that they might be stumbled upon. It was unlikely, given the hour and location of their rendezvous, but it was certainly possible ? if only just. Still, Maverick was hardly thinking thoughts such as those. Though he?d been competent enough to ask if she were ready for the step they were about to take, he felt as if he might not be strong enough to wait for an answer. It seemed in the mere second or two that followed his question time had slowed to an incredible standstill and left him begging for an answer. Almost any answer would do, just anything that would bring him out of this moment of uncertainty.

He quivered as she teased, oh he was ready. Her kiss fell on his muzzle, and he returned one atop her head as he then tried to figure out exactly what to do next. His body was driving him forward, urging him closer to her. He followed, wrapping his legs around her ribcage and bringing most of his girth more onto her back than just her pelvis. Jaws snared her scruff as gently as he could manage whilst he pulled himself the rest of the way forward and to the point of no return.

- Fade ?

When it was all over and the deed was done, Maverick slid up against her side. He was panting and his tongue hung limply, cradled in his slack lower jaw. He smiled dreamily, placing kiss after kiss on her cheek. ?I love you,? he crooned in her ear. Almost all of his strength had left him, and yet he felt like he could bring down a bull by himself ? and he had half a mind to, in celebration. With a newfound glean in his eye, Maverick gave her one last kiss and spoke. ?Shall we go home?? The day was still two or three hours away from dawning, and he had a mind to spend those hours with her curled comfortably beside him.
