
Too Cold [Nyx]



07-11-2013, 10:24 AM


As spring fell over the land, the rain slowly began to subside, which Arella felt eternally grateful for. The near-yearling had almost lost her life being washed away by flood waters, but she'd been pulled from the rapids just in time. She made a silent vow, as Gideon pulled her to safety, that she would leave each day as though it was her last. Despite how much she loved her brother, she hated seeing him grow spiteful and cold. Why did he have to be like that, when there was simply so much good in the world? So with a light heart, Arella once again found herself leaving Valhallan borders, which a hop in her step and an unmistakable gleam from her blue gaze. She would live fully, she promised herself -- she would not ever be bogged down by sadness or hate.

It wasn't like she hadn't been already living this way, but she'd finally begun to realize that there was a lot of bad stuff in the world, and she wanted no part in any of it. The fighting, the sadness -- nope, not for her.

The lank ebony girl loped over the vast plains that surrounded the territory with ease, feeling free as her pace increased and the warm spring breeze rustled her coat. Even as she wandered by her lonesome, the girl was clearly just excited about life in general. A grin toyed constantly on the corners of her lips, and her tail wagged behind her incessantly, as though it had its own mind.

Running was fun, but as she continued on, she grew tired. Water! She should get some water. Her nose lifted to the sky, searching for signs of the wonderful liquid; surprisingly enough, as she searched further, she saw in the distance a rather large lake. Perfect. With little hesitation she approached it quickly, not thinking that she ought to be on guard in case other wolves were about. But within sight was another creature, a male with light fur who was soaking wet. A bark of greeting escaped her throat as she bounded forward, with perhaps too much excitement. "Hey there!" she shouted happily, her grin spreading from ear to ear.