
Just call me devil


12-27-2018, 01:52 PM
Ooc: probably a shitty fight post but I can say I at least tried.

More appeared and Vlad frowned at Rhyme. For such a confident man he sure did the pussy ass thing and called for backup. Honestly Vlad had thought better of him. His ears twitched at the sound of paws behind him. It didn't surprise him after watching another Male come to flank rhyme. Well it seemed rhyme needed others to fight his battles then. His eyes narrowed. His head turned to face the white Male behind him, the words spouted were ridiculous, he had never claimed to be the best. He certainly wouldn't regret it either. "Toxic only pays the successful. Though my payment for bringing word of either the boys death or the boy himself is worth it to me..."

He lifted his hindquarters and turned as the Male launched at him. Seemed this one knew how to have fun, but today vlad wasn't looking to play. His hips would be now to the left of their original position as his lips peeled back in a guttural snarl. The males teeth would meet his side directly beside his spine, to the right, causing blood to well up and gush. The males paws missed their mark, his nails scraping down his side and upper leg. His hackles raised and he aimed to return the bite. His jaws aimed to close over the man's face, the top and bottom of his jaw aiming to be on both sides of his head. His aim was for his canine to pierce the man's right eye, hoping to cause blindness in it or at least a bite that may become an infection later on. A savage nature shone in his narrowed eyes. His legs spread to even his weight as his body tensed ready to take on more than just this one.

The scent of pregnant female found it's way to him but he was focused elsewhere. This Male had attempted to paralyze him with a spinal bite so he deserved any injury that came to him. His tail lifted to aid his balance. His ears pinned to protect them. It was good to see this pack were full of dumb ass bastards that didn't value speaking first.

Vlad v acere for maim(blinding in right eye)
1/2 moves
45" and heavy build
(Please take as long as necessary I'd like to do a full spar and have it judged so I know where I need to improve.)