
With a Corncob Pipe and a Button Nose

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
12-27-2018, 06:41 PM

Ignis made it away from immediate danger as Rhyme did, with the tiger staring daggers at them as they backed away. The striped beast showed no fear of a couple of wolves as it stalked closer. It easily weighed more than both of them combined though the Imperialis could look into its eyes comfortably. The slits were blood thirsty, this cat wanted the both of them dead. It bared its teeth and growled from deep in its chest. Rhyme didn’t take his eyes off it.

Ignis asked to make sure he was okay, and Rhyme felt the sting of his broken flesh. Already though the bleeding had slowed. His apprentice sought out their next move. Rhyme flashed his own white teeth at the cat as they started circling each other, looking for openings in the others defenses. "It’s not going to let us go with out a fight," which was obvious. "So lets give it one." He growled back at the creature as Imperia and Solitude took the moment to distract the beast. Both Ravens flew at the creatures eyes, using their strong beaks to attempt to blind the animal. While it was distracted with the ebony and alabaster birds Rhyme took his chance.

With all of his might Rhyme leapt at the cat, aiming to slam the point of his shoulder into the crease where shoulder met neck. His jaws would wrap around the fleshy joint of it’s jaw and neck as he aimed to tear out the tiger’s throat. He would have rather had two more wolves with them, but hopefully he and Ignis could finish the job. Rhyme bound away as the birds took to the sky again, unharmed. Rhyme now sported more of the tiger’s blood than his own, though he hadn’t managed to take out its jugular.