
Lips Of An Angel


07-11-2013, 11:45 AM

Fear. The sickly sweet stench of fear teased her ebony nose. The girl thought they were going to kill her? Well she wasn?t entirely wrong. Only it wouldn?t be her brother doing the killing. Cat would be soaked in her blood. Her brother had started this. She had merely come along to see what was going on, to see why his blood filled the air and soaked the earth. Then he had to go and get all macho, defending this girl, who?s name neither of them knew.

The black and white woman took a step, gaze flickered to her, watching as she stood behind her brothers tail. Pools were expressionless, stony. More and more blood dripped from her brothers wounds as his stance shifted, preparing to fight. So her big brother was prepared to die for this girl? A biting laugh shook her chest. ?Jealous? Tell me brother, of what? Who is it that you always come back to?? She let the sentence dangle. It was only a matter of time before he found himself bored with her and came running back to her. She nearly scoffed at the idea of being jealous. False amusement glittered in her eyes as he brother threatened to rip her throat out. ?You are in no position to make threats.? Her own silent threat dripped from inky lips. Her brother wanted a fight? Then by all means she would give him one, who was she to deny her brother? Paws slide against the earth as her stance widened, chin tucked defensively, her ears pinning. One her brother hit the dirt, unable to move with pain and even deeper wounds, that little bitch that stood behind him would be hers. Her brother would have to rot in hell alone for a bit. She was too young to die because of some whore her brother fancied.

She shoved down her emotions, burying them deep within. There was no time to have hurt feelings, her brother was ready to kill her, and for once she knew he would. But she?d drag him down with her. Tongue rolled in her mouth as a snarl tore from her. She made no move, she just watched her brother, waiting. Every twitch of a muscle, every roll of his shoulders, every drop of his blood that stained the earth beneath his paws. It was all absorbed, her mind carefully calculating. Should he decide to attack, his movements would be hindered, else he would rip open his wounds further, he would bleed to death at her paws. She didn?t understand his sudden desire to be the hero, to protect this girl from her, when every other time he would have thrown the bitch at her paws. What had changed?

She could see the protective gleam in his cyan eyes, one that she had never seen before. It caused a flare of anger to rise in her, but at the same time, it ebbed away. There would only be immediate satisfaction from ripping the bitches throat out, there would be no lasting pleasure. Slowly the wheels began to turn in her mind. She would hold back. For now. She would wait, wait for the opportune moment to strike. She would watch the bitch crumble slowly, painfully, along with her brother if he so chose to turn his back on her. A tense silence followed, muscles coiling, waiting for her brother to strike, lips remained curled back, seconds seemed like minutes, minutes stretched on for hours.
