
Something Ugly This Way Comes...


07-11-2013, 11:55 AM

Dillinger was at an awkward stage with his size. His limbs were gangly and long, his torso thin and curvaceous... but his musculature had not yet caught up with him. Thin and gangly his body bent at an arch, ears swiveling a top his skull to catch every miniscule sound that slipped from this strangers maw. It seems his words had pleased him, dark laughter fell from the mans lips and Dillinger grinned. ?Its good to know I have not yet lost my mind...? The rather droll response came quickly. His tail flickering behind his hocks, as he waited for the gent to speak.

Speak he did, a warning, a threat, and quite possibly an invitation. Head careening to the right the pup contemplated his answer. This was a game, was he seeking an answer of acceptance or defiance? Oh, Dillinger loved a challenge. The cogs in his brain churned and he licked his chops once, ideas and thoughts churning through his brain. Slowly, he reclined to his haunches, tail coiling around his hind leg before answering. ?Perhaps thats why I left my home, to face the darkness, to conquer it, no one has ever achieved greatness riding on their mothers coattails. I'm not afraid.? The words were spoken with strength, his mother had taught him better than that.
