
Everyone owns a gun deep inside



3 Years
12-28-2018, 08:15 AM (This post was last modified: 12-28-2018, 11:14 AM by Leonce.)

The taller wolf confirmed leonce's suspicions, not a cave got it. They went on to talk about stories they had been told about Twolegs.

He had never heard of Twolegs before, he wondered what would possess such beings to create places such as this. If he had the ability to make this kind of stuff he would use it to make things that were nice to look at not a place as dark and dingy as this one.

As the other wolf walked around Leonce was more concerned about being polite. He stood and listened as the wolf talked. Sneezing as the dust from the wooden object went through the air. A crypt, it was certainly an interesting sounding name. He would have to try it out later to see if it was a word he could add into his mental word bank. It also made sense now that the crypt was so dreary, it was a place for the dead! Maybe he could find other structures made by these Twolegs that suited his taste more.

The wolf asked him if he wanted to tag along in exploring the crypt. You bet he did! Leonce was ready to see what this place had in store, maybe he would find an old bone that he could carry around with him as some kind of souvenir. "Leonce's the name exploration's the game. It would be boring to not travel deeper." He assumed a leading position, he was having fun with this. He looked at the other wolf and gestured with his head into the darker parts of the crypt "let's go!"

Leonce started to journey deeper into the crypt, not expecting anything surprising he went in head first with no bars held. He started off at what could be seen as a fast walk and saw an entryway into a different room. He turned the corner entering the room to see a bunch of symbols on the wall, what could they possibly mean?

speech action

Leonce has a ferret companion that is in all his threads unless otherwise stated