
click click boom



10 Years
Extra large

Valentines 2020
12-28-2018, 11:06 PM
Valdis spoke up nearby, and Chaos' muzzle split into a vicious grin at Ash's reply and he couldn't help the booming laugh that it drew from him. "It might not be putting you out of your misery, brother, but it sure would put you out of mine, you pain in the ass." Adding somewhat more seriously to be clear, he tacked on, "But yeah we definitely need to put this cat down before it hurts someone." Like us, was what remained unsaid as the cat threw itself at Valdis. And yeah it was sexist and yeah he knew she wasn't a kid anymore and was a warrior more than capable of taking care of herself but somehow hearing that bastard tangling with Valdis made his blood boil in a way that it going after him or Ash didn't. In the dark of a deep mineshaft, though, he didn't want to simply bull his way in and risk sinking his teeth into one of his compatriots instead of the cougar, so for now he kept his head up - riskier to him as it exposed his throat to a possible freakishly lucky claw, but less so to Valdis as he kept his fangs put of play entirely. Wading into the fray, he slammed his chest into what he hoped was the cat's side, and was rewarded by a pained snarl. One feline paw flashed up still smelling of Valdis' blood to cuff him with unsheathed claws across the side of shoulder, and Chaos' reaction was too purely instinctual, based in muscle memory gained solely in one on one fights where he didn't have any allies to worry about, for his earlier forethought to keep him from snapping his jaws at the offending pain. His fangs sliced deep serrations into the limb, which did luckily belong to the cougar, and as his main dental structure hit flesh he continued to bear down with a wolf's bonecrushing jaw strength, cracking relatively thin forearm bones beneath his own cat-like teeth.

Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!
Unless otherwise mentioned as absent, assume that both Great Horned owl companions are nearby
Chaos speaks in a strong lisp, which I am usually too lazy to write