
Soul on Fire

Dominus I


3 Years
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Critical Hit!
12-29-2018, 09:24 AM (This post was last modified: 12-29-2018, 09:49 AM by Dominus I.)
Intellect Thread.

Already nearly as big as his father, Dominus often wondered to himself why he let Elias get away with as much as he did. He had half a mind to stop him from taking his sister tonight, but she seemed willing enough to see at least what Elias was on about. In all honesty, he thought it was probably a good thing she didn't open her smart mouth again today and piss their father off. It spared Dominus from having to protect her because he would this time... and he wasn't too sure how successful he would even be. Elias was an experienced hunter, everything Dominus had learned came from this man and from Acere's brief teachings in his childhood. He sighed, shifting back against the warmth of the slate floor beneath him... though the thought never once crossed him why the ground was becoming warmer.

His blue eyes were open, though there wasn't much to see or focus on in the barrenness of the Singing Caverns. He was left alone to simply think about everything that had transpired since they left the Maw, his only hope now being that since they were back on their homelands it meant Elias was taking them to return to their family. Was Ruina even still there? Was Tyranis there? And his snake...? Heh. An audible sigh left the teen's blue lips, loud enough to echo off the cavern walls.

Why were they even searching for Zuriel for so long? He missed his mother too, but her presence had already been such a distant memory that he dealt with the grief already a couple seasons ago. He cried for her, and not just once, but she was gone and he knew that somewhere deep inside himself. Elias was simply delusional, though.. his way of never giving up hope did occasionally become a contagion for both of the twins. Perhaps that's why they were both still following him, but Dominus was just about finished. His father didn't even look the same, nor smelled the same... Dominus wasn't a healer, but he was pretty sure his father was sick. Were they just supposed to follow him around until Elias got them into trouble with his madness or got them killed with one of his outbursts? No, that wasn't how a relationship between father and children was supposed to be at all, and Dominus knew that somewhere.. he just.. recognized the way Domina still looked at Elias, as well. She wasn't quite ready to give up on him, as much as she wanted to act like she didn't need him. It was always Domina who got up first when he barked, it was Domina that engaged in his teachings the most... even if it was to question him and get herself headbutted in the mouth for her defiant nature. Never stopped her though.

Dominus smirked and closed his eyes, drifting off into a slumber. He had chosen a spot just out of reach of the light that filtered through the entrance of the caverns, thought to be safe from view if anyone happened to pass by due to his dark coat. While he slept, his father and Domina climbed to the top of a volcano experiencing a small eruption. Thin rivers of lava overflowed from its core, releasing the pressure that was building up beneath the earth. These rivers caught what little vegetation surrounded the plateau on fire, not too far from the exit. It became much brighter in the cave while he snoozed, leaving him completely visible to anyone else who might be seeking shelter from the flames, falling flecks of lava and burning rocks, or the rivers themselves providing how close to the caverns they became.