
firing range



8 Years
12-29-2018, 10:48 AM

The winding thoughts of whom he had all met within the past few weeks moved into his cranium. A tiny grin slipped across his lips as he thought of all the beautiful babes and handsome boys. Some of the memories were fonder then others, but it was all pleasant in some way or another. Gaining information, getting his name out there, and really just having some entertainment before the winter sets in full force. The phantom laid at the brim of the lake as he stared across it's length. Hannibal silently observed as fireflies flickered above the pool of water, the little lights reflecting off making it seem like there were some within its depths as well. He thought over how soon enough the lake would be frozen over and the bugs would likely retreat for the season. Thus, he enjoyed the precious sights while he could.

The beast laid with his head on his black and white paws. His fluffy winter coat danced in the wind as each breeze passed. He was more north then he had ever been before and it was a rather chilly night. Hannibal could only assume it may begin snowing soon. If that were to happen he would happily leave the flies and retreat back to his 'warm' den in the south. It was nice being a part of a smaller pack. The beginning stages were always so quiet, no drama, no wars, and little work. He hunted, patrolled, and ensured the safety of his fellow pack members. That was all he had to do and it was lovely. Though, he could only assume they would have the attention of the two other southern packs here soon and who knows if they are friendly or not. The only memorable pack Wolf Hannibal had met was Spider but he still knew little to nothing about his home. Hannibal idly raised a brow as he thought over how he should really be asking more questions about these things. For a serpentine he was doing a poor job of collecting information after his dance with Spider. Perhaps the feelings were getting a bit too rapid.


This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.