
*rings dinner bell*



3 Years
Extra large
12-29-2018, 01:12 PM (This post was last modified: 12-29-2018, 01:19 PM by Asharya.)
Position: Thane 1
Name: Aesir
Age: 2
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Gender: Male

Description: Aesir has several prominent features. The eye darts to several places naturally, but always ends up settling on one. Might as well get it out of the way now. Yes, Aesir has a pair of horns atop his head. Or perhaps antlers? Its hard to tell, but they bear a strong resemblance to those of a young pronghorn. Below the antler-horns are a pair of strikingly framed teal eyes which are probably glaring now, thanks to your staring. Rude. Best to move on. His coat is a motley of ochre, cinder, and charcoal, greys, russets, and blacks. The darkest colors mask his face and run down his spine, mottling their way over his neck and flank. Pale ashy grey runs along his ribs before fading into russet on his underbelly. The same grey marks each toe at the end of every dark leg.

In frame he is bulky and broad. Even his thick pelt does a poor job of masking the muscles hiding beneath. While surprisingly swift despite his size, he does prefer his combat close up and personal. Makes things more intimate. He stands (TBD? Tol) inches tall, and enjoys using his height to his advantage. Some claim he has resting bitch face, Aesir says its just being honest and upfront. A look at him does not give off either warm or cuddly vibes, and that is just the way he likes it.

Personality: Aesir likes to boast that he was put on this earth to do nothing more than enjoy the wind before a storm front. He fancies himself a wistful bard's spirit trapped in the body of a brute, but anyone who knew him well would quickly disagree. Aesir is in most things gruff and cold. He doesn't tend to joke around often and when he does it usually carries a biting edge. If even a crumb of poet's spirits resides within him it is withheld for his pleasure alone. The brute part, however, would be dead on.

Aesir is a very physical wolf in most aspects. He enjoys testing both his body and his mind. He has a very difficult time backing down from challenges and seems to face them as if he believes himself immortal. If there is an attempt to be made Aesir will try to do it faster, better, and with more bravado than his competition. Even broken and bloody he will brag about his great feats, and again at great lengths afterwards. He is a sucker for a good story, even if he will probably do his best to one-up you once you've finished.

Aesir prefers to shy away from all things 'silly' or 'cute.' He doesn't have the patience to tolerate obnoxiously joyful or bubbly wolves, and certainly not pups. The brute has little patience for niceties, posturing or primping. Diplomacy falls a bit flat next to his more dominant skills, like rough-housing or frequent and copious consumption of fermented beverages. Unless you plan on things ending in a fight, best to leave him behind.

While he loathes being pried into or made to talk if he is not willing, Aesir rarely pays any mind to the boundaries of others. He can be bullheaded when it comes to getting information or -wiggly brows- other things out of strangers once he has his mind set on it. He is often selfish and apathetic towards the needs of others if he does not see them as having worth or value enough to compensate. While a code of honor is very important to him with wolves he respects, if you do not rank among those few he tends to be... a bit more morally grey. Aesir believes that if you are strong enough to take something, it might as well be yours.

History: TBD, mostly -shakes fist at Nyx & Mon- What I do know is that he and his two brothers were all born with the same mutation. Several tragedies befell either their family or families in their proximity, and word began to spread that the siblings were cursed. Perhaps they knew Ky when they were younger? I personally would love if Aes and her were close when they were kids and he chose to follow her in her band. I plan on playing him as a lazy brute/bar brawler when he's relaxed, and a bit of a cold hearted tactician against enemies. I'll be using my expert pass on him for fighting, so perhaps he and Ky have been able to work together in raids and skirmishes in the past? Anyways, this is subject to change as I learn more, but hopefully thats a good waypoint for now!

Asharya is chaotic and occasionally hotheaded. Thread at your own risk!

Come Plot with Fox