
Wind Off the Waves [Open]



4 Years
Extra large
12-30-2018, 09:49 AM (This post was last modified: 12-30-2018, 12:06 PM by Aesir.)
Aesir lay sphinx-like at the cliff's edge. Below his paws the earth dropped away into the sea, but not even a mild sense of vertigo could keep him from occasionally peering over. The brutish male absently hoped that rock beneath him was stable, but other than that paid it no mind. It wasn't like the ever present danger would be enough to drive him off anyways.

The wind whipping around him was bitterly chilled, but not unbearably so. There were no obstacles between him to head off its fury, so it seemed to cut through his coat directly into Aesir's bones. Far out over the sea a wall of black, mutinous clouds roiled. The storm had been brewing since early in the morning, but had yet to approach the shore. To Aesir it seemed to be waiting for something, as if massing forces before the assault. The clouds grew ever taller, ever darker, and now the tops of them began to billow outwards into an anvil shape. Aesir grinned as the wind picked up again.

With winter bearing down on them, it was hard to guess whether they would see rain, sleet or snow. Aesir knew of a few spots to shelter close by, so it didn't matter too much either way. Depending on the strength of the storm when it made landfall some of the spots may or may not leave something to be desired, but its not like a little cold or wet would be able to kill him. Aesir couldn't imagine the shame of being taken out by something as paltry as the elements, so he didn't give it more than a moment's consideration. He would be fine. Besides, at this point he was starting to worry whether the storm would make landfall at all. He inhaled a lungful of bitter, blissfully cold air and sighed out his contentment. Yes, this was his happy place.

A bolt of lightning struck out over the water's surface, miles away. It was several heartbeats before the peal of thunder rolled its way to him. The ominous bass note seemed to change something in the air, heralding the start of the main event. Aesir settled in.

"Aesir Speaks" "Aesir Listens" Aesir Thinks