
Wait, I Can Explain [Cael]



3 Years
Extra large
12-30-2018, 10:52 AM (This post was last modified: 12-30-2018, 10:53 AM by Asharya.)

Well, that probably couldn't have gone any worse. Asharya grumbled to herself as they walked, kicking herself for being such a damn freak. She'd only wigged out in the first place because for some reason it felt weird to go seeking Cael out in the first place. Bumping into Abaven's alpha had not been on her to-do list for the day. Or the season. Or the year. And then the old bat had to go and pry, and although Asha still wasn't completely sure how Cael felt about her heritage, there was an undeniably awkward silence hanging over them.

She opened her mouth a few times to try and break it, but somehow the words never came out. Everything she thought to say seemed stupid on a second review, so the pregnant pause stretched on and on. Eventually it came down to her ego rearing its ugly head. She had never felt a need to hold back before, so why the fuck was she starting now? Asha let out an irritated huff and launched in. "I get it if you're mad. I don't know the details, but I do know my cousins and your pack have a history. Abraxas wolves have a knack for making enemies, I get it. But listen, I love my family, alright? And you're fun to hang around with so I don't want it to be an issue. I wasn't trying to hide anything. It's just nice sometimes to be able to build your own story, instead of everyone making assumptions based on a legacy."

She huffed again and snapped her jaws shut. That was way more than she'd intended to share, but once she got going there wasn't much of an option to stop. It sort of felt like this might be the end of her adventures with Cael, and Asha was surprised to realize how much that thought sucked. She would get over it, probably. The other shewolf was just a dumb mortal, right? As an Abraxas wolf that should be a no-brainer, but Cael was a fun dumb mortal. Asha grew more and more grumpy with how the day had gone while she waited for the other woman to deliver the final blow.

"Talk" "You" Think

Asharya is chaotic and occasionally hotheaded. Thread at your own risk!

Come Plot with Fox