
Sometimes Dead is Better



3 Years
Extra large
12-30-2018, 11:47 AM
His rush of anger seemed to be quickly reigned in, sounding steadfast now instead of wildly impassioned. They'd move to the south, he said, and she nodded in understanding. While the north personally suited her best, she wasn't picky about where she lived, but instead was more choosy in who she lived among. The south would do, she supposed. "Sounds like a plan," Kori agreed with a wide grin, deciding she was up to the challenge. He'd be recruiting and looking for a new territory, leaving her to do.. what? Wait and see when, or if, he called for her? Sounded boring, but she could do that, and the conviction in his voice told her that she could believe in him to stay true to his word, for now.

His question caught her off guard though, and she pursed her lips in quiet thought. Where would she have placed herself in Ruina? "The truth is I don't really mind where I'm placed. I have high aspirations, but my true passions lie in fighting." Obviously, judging by the heavy scars that marked her features, fighting was something she quite enjoyed. "I wasn't too familiar with Ruina's ranking structure to begin with. I was just beginning to find my footing there when... you know," she shrugged. "Things went downhill. But I'm sticking with you now, and you know where to place me better than I do." No matter where she was stuck it wouldn't stop her from working hard to ensure a proper home for herself and for the others who Tyranis chose to rule over.