
*rings dinner bell*



7 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant1K
12-30-2018, 12:50 PM
Position: Thane 2
Name: Kvasir Skaldi
Age: 2
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Gender: Male
Description: Alright, one thing at a time. First off, let us leave the obvious for last, because it's far too easy to jump in to those flashier details and Kvasir isn't about impatience.

To start, he is easily recognizable as one of the trio of brothers. It's that earthy brown coat, paler around the stomach and face and darker along the top line. Soft nougaty tones swirl and feather off along his sides, haunches, and on the underside of his tail. The same tones leave light mottled stripes around his eyes and down his muzzle. Over top the other marking and brown hues a dark, nearly black color reminiscent of damp soil spills over him, running down his left hind leg and dripping over his left side. Most of his right side is covered in the darkness, and beneath both eyes are dark markings that make one think of war paint.

His fur isn't the only thing that's visually pleasing about him. Kvasir is also admittedly well toned, though one might not go so far as to say muscular. Wiry muscles ripple beneath his pelt While his frame is stout and broad, he has the look of someone who might fit in their skin a bit better if they were a bit more willowy. Luckily he isn't much for vanity, so it's never bothered him much. He's tall but not wildly above average, standing at a good 34" in height.

Okay okay, now for the more interesting features. To start, his eyes are a bright blue-grey that stands out nicely against his otherwise dark form. Next to his face hangs a single beaded thread. The beads are made from small stones, some are silver and others pale blues to match his eyes.

What else? Oh. Well, I guess there's the horns that sprout from his skull, curling back around his head and forward round his ears similarly to a rams horns, with small pointed... branches? No, they're quite small, just pointy growths protruding from the horns. While Kvasir isn't the flashiest wolf in the land, he's surely unique.
The Bad

Typical for one raised in the life that Kvasir was, he has many qualities that outsiders will find... Unpleasant. Self-serving, without manners or any hint of consideration for others. If you are too weak to protect what you claim to be yours, why shouldn't he take it? Crimes of opportunity are fair play if someone is foolish enough to allow him that opportunity. Cunning when he wants to be, and creative only when it benefits him, there have been times when he's been accused of being a bit immature and well... Anyone who said that was full of shit so it doesn't matter.

The truth is he can actually be quite creative, hence being named after the god of inspiration. It's just that Kvasir will only create things if it benefits him. Whether it is because he is making offerings to Loki and the other lesser gods that plague him and his kin with bad luck in order to appease them or because he's been offered a good payment matters not. The only thing he does not do is charity.

Honestly, Kvasir's only ever fun at parties until he decides he likes you. If being greedy and selfish wasn't enough, he's also rather partial to intoxicating himself in any way he can manage. Why? Well, he often claims to receive visions from various gods. Some of the things he ingests "help" him with that, though often he finds himself more angry than hopeful afterwards. Superstitious to the extreme though, Kvasir is ever hopeful that he and his brothers can find glory to break their curse of misfortune and he will do whatever he has to to make it happen. It's the only thing he's not entirely pessimistic about.

The "Good"

Good might be a bit of a stretch. More like... the "better" qualities of Kvasir. Most of the time he's quite honest. More blunt, but nevertheless, this is the wolf to come to for straightforward, no bullshit opinions. He also proclaims to be loyal to those he trusts. This hasn't been tested much, considering he's only really ever felt and trust or love from and towards his brothers. Better to err on the side of caution with him just in case.

Other better qualities? Hm. If nothing else, the man is always decisive. Can't stand it when others struggle to make up their minds or continue arguing over a decision for too long, so it's not uncommon for him to make the final vote on some matters when no one else wants to. He's also quite spiritual, often keeping his eyes out for what he perceives as signs from the gods. Anyone who has a connection to them is of great interest to him in his quest to right the apparent wrongs of his ancestors.
History: Growing up, life was pretty shit for the three siblings all things considered. They all had their own ways of dealing with being proclaimed to be 'cursed', and for Kvasir that usually manifested in his spending a good deal of time alone, learning how to make the things that the crafters around him made. Perhaps if he could learn to make trinkets and interpret the will of the gods then he could finally figure out what offerings they wanted and what would stop the bad things from happening.

I like to think he'd be a very spiritual guy. Not terribly social, and probably lacking in social skills x'D I'm not sure what sort of friend he might be to Valk but I'd love to explore how they'll interact. He's definitely low in motivation for fighting when on his own, but happy to enter a brawl if one ensues. I expect he'll be happy to make all sorts of things for the band, though depending on how well he knows/likes valk he might be following his brothers when he joins.