
New Chapters, New Possibilities



7 Years
12-30-2018, 01:04 PM

Somehow around Zinnia Typhon found himself feeling far less tormented than usual. What was usually a rippling tide of anxiety, surging just beneath the surface, seemed far calmer than usual in her presence. That was why he'd taken Malleus's advice to heart when he's discussed with him what the Gods had shown him and Ashiel both - not only did he trust them, but the way he felt drawn to Zinnia was something he could only attribute to the gods themselves.

She admitted she hadn't found anything suitable for just one wolf yet, though she seemed interested in scoping the place out with him. His worry in finding a proper den in this structure would be over whether it was stable or not; he'd seen enough piles of crumbled stone that made him wonder how long the entire structure could stand. Obviously time had taken its toll on it, but being buried under a mess of rock and stone didn't sound appealing either. "Let's look around, then," Typhon suggested, already beginning to move from his stilled position toward the direction he hadn't gone yet. The thought of spending more time with her was definitely intriguing to him and he couldn't help but wonder if she'd be receptive to finding a place to dig a den close to his own. Obviously sharing one would be a better step, but he didn't want to screw things up by moving too quickly without being certain she at least returned some of his feelings - not that he himself entirely knew how to classify them yet.

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