
Wait, I Can Explain [Cael]



2 Years
Extra large
12-30-2018, 03:34 PM
The entire walk away from Abaven her face had been scrunched up in a pensive expression. There was way too much conflict happening in her brain right now and it was not a terribly enjoyable experience to find herself so... unsure. She didn't want for this to ruin what seemed like a budding friendship with somebody who was just as chaotic as she was, but she also wasn't sure if she could ignore the elephant in the clearing either.

Asharya seemed glum and preoccupied too which didn't help. Cael had unintentionally avoided any eye contact with her for most of the walk so she hadn't noticed much of what the other girl was doing but, well, the mood was pretty easy to read. Anyone who saw them could probably tell from a pretty good distance that they might wanna steer clear and avoid whatever could be brewing. Finally, after what seemed like absolute ages Asharya broke the silence and Cael's eyes darted to look at the fiery woman as she rambled on for a bit. Oof. Why was her stomach still in knots? "I... I mean, I, well..." she stammered, sounding like an idiot for a moment until she collected her thoughts and shook her head to clear the chaotic scrambling of her brain. "I'm not mad... I mean I believe you that you weren't hiding it. Not very characteristic," she mused before trailing off.

After a lengthy pause, Cael decided to sit her ass down where she was, which sadly was in a pretty uncomfortable spot on a weird rock with a patch of sunlight in her eyes so she had to duck her head down a bit to see Asharya as she went on, "It's just... It's not even Abaven. My family lost their home twice to yours. The second time, my parents were too old to leave Abaven. So... I don't know, I guess it's hard to explain, but I grew up with them always looking like they felt a little bit trapped and that sucked." Normally that little bit of sharing would have to be drug out of her by force, but Cael supposed Asharya deserved some honesty. "And then Archon, well, I thought he could be like a friend or something but then he basically left because he decided Abaven and everyone in it was worthless or something and Shaye is still dealing with Malleus and... It fuckin' sucks to feel like there's always somebody around looking down on you," she huffed, trying to erase any emotion from her voice and failing hardcore. This family, man. Would she ever escape them entirely? Seemed like the answer was no. Maybe escape was the wrong approach then.

"I'm not mad at you though. We... can still like, hang out and stuff. It was fun last time," she muttered, dragging her paw through the dirt and rocks, watching the smaller pebbled bounce away for a minute before she looked back up at Asharya.
[Image: TSMb2UQ.png?1]
Cael has facial scars not seen in all of her art yet!