
All About the Aesthetic



4 Years
Extra large
12-30-2018, 05:22 PM (This post was last modified: 12-31-2018, 07:36 AM by Aesir.)
The voice from behind him was more than enough to startle him, but he recognized it immediately and ended up considering himself lucky she didn't just jump him. He chuckled under his breath and turned, unsurprised to see the familiar form of Valkyrie waiting below. "Well, well yourself." Her question was fair, and while it might have soured his mood coming from someone else this particular wolf had a pass. Valkyrie was a fearsome warrior in her own right, young as she was, and he'd been privy to some of her exploits back home. It helped somewhat to dull his usual cutting edge, but only to a point. "They would have been so lucky. Apparently we sold a gaggle of pups off to Hel in return for dark powers." He laughed but it held very little humor. "Never could decide if we already had evil magics or were just out to get them. No matter now, though."

Aesir stood and bounded down from his high perch so that he could stand level with the younger shewolf. They were of a height, although she would likely mature to be slender where he was broad. "My brothers are around as well, off doing Loki's bidding for all I know. What about you? Feeling a bit cramped there under your family's shadow?" He snorted a bit. He knew Valkyrie to be something of a wild child, so he wouldn't be surprised to hear she'd left home on some sort of grand quest for glory. At least she had had the option, but whatever. He wasn't bitter or anything.

"Aesir Speaks" "Aesir Listens" Aesir Thinks