
Quiet Contemplation



07-11-2013, 01:51 PM
Cairo was gone - but it was a far cry from her fault, or Syrinx's. They had fought for leadership, a natural part to life, and of course neither would even so much as maim the other. It was not a death match, it was a rank challenge, and the only thing that Evelette had proved in her words that had neither correct facts or common sense within, was that she was hopelessly ignorant. She held no grudge with Syrinx, only a healthy relationship between siblings, something that this woman would not understand. "Cairo was a beautiful father, but an old soul. His death is far from the fault of Syrinx or I." She cast a heated gaze upon the woman moments before she turned to leave. "It would be best of you to watch your mouth before you go spewing your ignorance on matters that are beyond your understanding." Family definitely being one of them. Another being what impulse and rage truly were... perhaps this witch was always impulsive and bitter?

Whatever the case, she had not the civility to listen to what anyone but she herself had to say. So Chrysanthe would not waste more of her time, nor her breath on the ivory dame. Her punishment had been given, she had consented to the terms, and the alpha would keep an eye on her to make sure that she didn't break them in the future.
