
Gift Giving Is Harder Than It Looks



8 Years
Extra large

ScarredOverachieverPride - PansexualVolcanoValentines 2020Christmas 2019
12-30-2018, 07:29 PM
Kai was in an uncharacteristically foul mood on this fine late autumn night. For no reason whatsoever - at least no reason that he could discern - his face fucking ached. He felt like there was a growing pressure pushing down on his upper jaw and though it wasn't quite what he'd call painful, it was a dull soreness that was beyond irritating. Huffing softly, Kai continued his aimless wandering, deciding that moving was better than sitting around sulking about what felt like phantom pains. When the scent of caribou hit his nose though he was fully distracted, and quickly trailed after the scent. He thought back to his hunt with Mikkal, and wondered if he was close. During late autumn he knew the herds broke apart into smaller groups, making it harder to properly follow them, but it was comforting to know his older cousin might be nearby.

He was so thoroughly engrossed in following their scent trail that he didn't notice the presence of another wolf until he was well within earshot of him. The northern lights, a spectacle that had grown more familiar to him as of late, illuminated the vast stretch of ice and the male that stood nearby. His coat looked like a reflection of those very lights, a splash of red and orange and blue that he couldn't help but pause to admire. Only briefly did he gawk at the handsome male before making his presence known, moving forward with loud pawsteps crunching over the snow. "Pretty, isn't it?" Kai offered with a playful grin, taking a moment to properly tilt his head upward and admire the view. For now, at least, it helped his mind stray from his face's sudden aching.