
sustainably sourced



4 Years
12-30-2018, 10:28 PM (This post was last modified: 12-30-2018, 10:29 PM by Clementine.)

intellect season skill prompt - group - 1061 words in total

Clementine idly pawed at the earth wit her pale eyes pointed downward. At times she would pause in order to get a good sniff of the herbs, making a mental note of each one. After some time she stumbled upon some Meadowsweet which is a white flower with yellow bits in the center. They were low to the ground and in patches with the majority covered by dead leaves. Clem pushed the leaves to the side before taking her jaws to the stems. Carefully she plucked them from the earth and roots hung from her mouth. Speckles of dirt fell as she raised her head again. Clem was no herb expert but she knew Meadowsweet was good for flu symptoms and with the winter coming it could be of aid to them all.

Before Clementine could do anything else a voice rang through the clearing. It seemed in the time of her discovery her guard was down and someone had approached without her knowing. Suddenly the lady perked up and spun around to look at the Wolf. Almost immediately her ebony lips turned upward into a delighted smile as her pale eyes locked onto her sibling. Huckleberry. Quickly she set down the herbs and trotted in his direction, her tail flicking around in pure joy. "Hello there! What a lovely surprise!" She stopped about five tail lengths away in order to maintain a polite amount of space between the two. "I was just gathering some herbs in preparation for the winter. I noticed we may need to stock up just a tad bit more on some things." Her pink and black nose flicked to the side, gesturing towards the white herbs. "I am unaware of how harsh the seasons are here in the south but i'd rather not take any risks." Clementine then looked towards the male with a raised brow, "What are you up to?"

speech action