
Szayel Elysius


07-11-2013, 01:59 PM
OOC Name: Shrapnel
How did you get here?:
Age: 17 (I feel like you all have seen enough of my bios to know this xD)

Character's Name: Szayel Elysius
Age: Pup
Season of birth: Winter
Size: Large (36 inches)
Appearance description: Szayel is a creature of masculine beauty all wrapped up in a male body. Thick sinew lies underneath a pristine white pelt. The boy doesn't vary much from either of his parents. When properly cleaned nothing stains his pelt and is the whitest of ivories and some times can seem almost silver under certain lighting. If given the chance he would blend in perfectly with any snowy environment save for his eyes and the little spot of coal on the end of his snout.

The only color the brute has is a a very pale purple color for eyes that almost seem silver if looked at from an angle. If not for his masculine body one might think him to be a female. Rigorous training has prepared him. As an adult he grows to be thirty six inches and weighs a hundred and thirty seven pounds. Not the biggest creature alive, but enough to be absolutely intimidating to those smaller in stature.

A smile is never seen on his face. A serious expression encompasses his visage. It's quite obvious that he is a killer, a warrior, a soldier, even a killer. His very appearance clearly states "do not trifle with me.
Duty: Slayer