
EVENT: The 1st Day of Christmas



3 Years
Extra large
12-31-2018, 01:04 PM (This post was last modified: 05-04-2020, 11:55 AM by Nyx.)
Land Name: Hideaway Canyon
Description: In the far corner of Redwater Rocks, a curious wolf might find the mouth of a narrow, unassuming canyon. The walls are steep and the path is is hardly wide enough for two wolves to walk abreast. Before long the sandstone towers on either side of the winding trail, making escape impossible except for the way you came, and hopefully the way you're walking. In truth, the canyon does not lead to an easy exit, but instead to a magnificent oasis. The canyon has led you to something like an open-air sinkhole. A lone bristlecone pine, gnarled and ancient, stands sentinel over a tranquil spring-fed pond. The sandstone walls tower above, making the place inaccessible except for the lone entrance you've found. Several unusual plants seem to be growing on the pool's edge, and the water is blissfully chilled. Might as well rest before beginning the long trek back.
Parent Land: Redwater Rocks
Associated Skill(s): Navigation, Healing <font color=red>Used</font>

Land Name: Hickory Wallow
Description: Between the vast forest of old growth trees and abundant streams, the hidden grove has become a well known hot spot for wild hogs and boar. They come in abundance to eat acorns, beech and hickory nuts, and to wallow about in the stream side mud pools. The secret hunting spot has been a treasured secret for generations, known to only a few locals and rogues lucky enough to stumble across the location. Confident wolves might find a meal here, but be warned. These hogs grow fat and mean off of the land's plenty. The boar have been known to take the lives of wolves caught unaware...
Parent Land: Sunset Falls
Associated Skill(s): Hunting, Fighting

Land Name: Luck's Weir
Description: The decrepit remains of a long-forgotten beaver dam lay snagged in the stream, in shambles after several seasons of heavy rains. Although it doesn't serve much purpose in stopping the flow of water these days, it has found a new use with wiley local hunters. The snag of sticks are known to trap leaping fish from time to time, especially during their various breeding seasons. A cunning wolf might thing to jam a stick or two in here or there in an attempt to improve efficiency over time.
Parent Land: Aspen Dam
Associated Skill(s): Intellect, Hunting

Land Name: The Witch's Hollow
Description: Although the roof has fallen in and long decayed, the stone remains of a small cottage sit mostly forgotten, deep in the depths of the Corpseghoul Swamp. Inside the shelter sit a plethora of metal and glass containers, beakers and vials, and other oddities. Best to watch your step. In the nearby landscape it seems clear that several unusual herbs have been planted and cultivated long ago, now overgrown clumps dominating the small hillocks between stretches of murky water. No matter the weather, time of day or season of the year, the place carries an unnatural silence with it, as if the forest is afraid something might awaken...
Parent Land: Corpseghoul Swamplands
Associated Skill(s): Healing, Intellect <font color=red>Used</font>

Asharya is chaotic and occasionally hotheaded. Thread at your own risk!

Come Plot with Fox

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1. EVENT: The 1st Day of Christmas Updates/Events Archive 07:15 AM, 12-14-2018 09:34 AM, 07-02-2024