
Never gonna be alone


07-11-2013, 02:45 PM

Her fathers grin matched her own, his words sending a new wave of excitement. She thought for a moment. She hadn't planned on going anywhere specific, but now that she had her fathers company, they could go anywhere, right? "I want to see the mountain." She briefly didn't miss a beat, speaking fairly well for her age, picking up on her words from her parents and continuing to build her vocabulary. It wasn't often that she got alone time with either of her parents, so she would relish in the moment. She turned, prancing off towards the mountain, not waiting to see if her father would follow. Energy was renewed, her exhaustion forgotten. Ever growing paws kissed the earth.

The admiration she held for her father never waived, it only grew with every word he spoke, she absorbed everything like a sponge. She would rule the pack one day, she was sure of it. While she was a wolf of few words, she observed, learning from her siblings mistakes, learning how to not get caught or what not to do. She couldn't wait until she was old enough to explore all of her home by herself. For now she settled for her fathers ever watchful eye, he would protect her, she had faith in him.

Tail trailed behind her, the wind catching the hairs as it waved like a flag. Ebony audits stood at attention, her oddly colored eyes taking everything in. Navigating the rocky terrain as the pair got closer to the mountain slowed her down, forcing her choose her path carefully. Expression was thoughtful, as thought as a puppies face could be. She wondered what she would find up there. What would she be able to see? The world? Her world.

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