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Master Fighter (310)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

10 Years
Extra large

Double MasterValentines 2020Treat 2019Promptober 2019
12-31-2018, 07:34 PM
dark mists are cloaking what the eyes can see

Éldi snorted as he scrambled back to his feet and shook out his coat. "Be careful what you wish for!" He grinned, more than happy to talk Valkyrie on. The had a pretty even record and he really wanted to come out on top during their next match. Hey, no time like the present right? His ears flicked forward at the moment of recruits, his attention momentarily snatched by that snippet of information. "Oh? How's it been going?" He'd been so busy taking in all the new land had to offer that he hadn't really given a thought to recruiting. Not that he expected to be much good at it. That sort of 'leadership' business was more Valklyrie's skill set.

So about that fight…

"Steel yourself!" He growled playfully as he set his defenses. He widened his stance, bending his knees slight as his toes splayed and his nails dug into the dirt. Along his back, his hackles rose as his tail shifted to level with his spine. His ears flattened tight against his head and his eyes narrowed. He rolled his brawny shoulders forward and lowered his chin to help guard his throat. Éldi shifted easily over his center, balancing his weight amongst his limbs. Askr sighed and took to a low hanging branch to watch the spectacle.

Kicking forward suddenly, Éldi attempted to close the distance between himself and Valkyrie. He wanted to approach her squarely head on. That was just like him, after all, to barrel right in, but it was a feint. Éldi dodged to his right in an attempt to line the front of his left shoulder with the crease between her left shoulder and her chest. He sought to jut the front of his left shoulder forward into that crease, hoping to hit with enough force to cause severe bruising and maybe sprain the limb. Simultaneously, he lifted his left forepaw and attempted to slam it down on top of Valkyrie's left toes. Again he hoped to severely bruise or even strain them them. He shifted his weight evenly across his three grounded limbs as he lifted his left forepaw. Askr, safe from his perch, examined the pair. It was clear that Éldi was still coming to terms with his growing body and his size but the bird had confidence in the woman's speed. Either way, the bird had no intention of joining in on this fray.

Lastly, Éldi's head tipped to his right as his jaws opened. He attempted to lean forward and bite into the left side of Valkyrie's neck. He aimed to sink his lower teeth into the crook of her neck, just below her left jawbone. His upper teeth sought to drive in directly behind the curve of Valkyrie's jawbone, directly beneath her left ear. He sought a solid grip that he hoped would force her into submission.

Eldi vs Valkyrie - Pre-determined fight - Round 1 of 2?