
Those Who Fare Forward (band creation)

Valkyrie 1


5 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantCritical Fail!Trick 2019
01-01-2019, 01:39 AM (This post was last modified: 01-06-2019, 04:55 PM by Valkyrie 1.)
It was time. The day of the raider was upon Boreas. Valkyrie was ready. She had neither age nor experience on her side, but what she did have gave her confidence. While she couldn't count on the favor of the fates to be with her always, what she'd gained since leaving home had prepared her for the hard days ahead. She had loyal friends, she had ambition and she had the humility to pray for wisdom.

The nerves that caused her skin to prickle as she strode through the battlefield were a welcome companion. Fearlessness was the mark of the idiot and it would be foolish to start the band without recognizing that she was creating something bigger than herself; that her actions would have consequences; that she was inviting injury and loss.

Valkyrie stopped once she reached the heart of the battlefield. She'd found followers in the north and the east and this place was the closest thing to a halfway point she could find. It was also a fitting birthplace for the band she hoped to create as fighting would be the bedrock upon which they built.

In a strong voice she called together all who had pledged to join her. Today they would bind themselves to Hjarrandi.

This character has a noticeable Icelandic accent!
Valkyrie also has a female melanistic japanese macaque named Inga. Unless she's mentioned IC it's safe to assume she's not with her master.
It can be assumed that Valkyrie has a bear skull mask hanging from a strap around her neck at all times.