
Those Who Fare Forward (band creation)



4 Years
Extra large
01-01-2019, 01:53 AM (This post was last modified: 01-01-2019, 01:53 AM by Aesir.)
The call that rang out over the lands was neither unfamilliar nor unexpected. Even with the first distant notes, Aesir knew what was being proclaimed. Valkyrie had done as she was planning, and Aesir grinned. The brute changed his course until he was angled her way, and picked up the pace until he was loping with an easy stride. It felt good to stretch out his muscles, and it was a convenient outlet for the sudden burst of excitement he felt.

It was the start of something. While he could not claim to trust in Valkyrie's leadership abilities, or even speak much about the grown wolf she was becoming, he knew enough of the young female to feel confident. At least, confident enough to see where this potential opportunity led. It was not long after her call that the earthen woman came into view, standing and awaiting for other arrivals. Aesir was eager to see what motley crew she would end up sticking him with, or even if his brothers might show up merely on chance.

He grinned to Valkyrie as he approached. "I suppose this means you're good for your word. Off to a good start." He sat and grinned. Aesir felt a bit more relaxed around her after their initial meeting. The reunion had reassured him of several facets of the young wolf's personality. The open ease he carried would likely clam up with the arrival of others, but he could enjoy it while it lasted. "I won't even tell the others you've already picked favorites." He winked. It seemed more than likely that she had brought several allies from home, closer to her and more trustworthy than their own relationship, but flattery would get you everywhere. Aesir would argue that self-flattery absolutely did still count.

And besides, it still stood to be seen whether other wolves would even show up to this shindig. Aesir privately preened at the idea of the jokes waiting for him if they did not. Maybe he could maybe the younger wolf hunt him a meal or two as an I-told-you-so prize. Of course, if they did show it would hopefully lead to equally entertaining exploits, if for other reasons. It seemed like a win-win either way, so Aesir was content to look out over the lands and wait.

"Aesir Speaks" "Aesir Listens" Aesir Thinks