
Slash-GNR's RP Plotter

Amun Ra


2 Years
01-01-2019, 10:52 AM (This post was last modified: 01-10-2019, 07:35 PM by Amun Ra.)
Hello and welcome to my plot thread! All my current characters are listed bellow with details...

Amun Ra Ramesses

Who is Amun Ra?: Amun Ra is a two year old female wolf. She was born into a royal family that led a pack outside of Ardent. However, her pack was destroyed by rivals, so she fled to keep the Ramesses blood alive.

Where is Ra?: Ra is currently in the East with her half sister.

What about Romance?: Ra is monoamorous, which means that she will only have one mate/partner. This does not mean she isn't down for a "fun time", if it she gets something out of it. It means that once she gets a mate, she will remain faithful and not stray. If she is to ever have a romantic partner or romantic interest, she expects him to stay faithful. If he does not, then she will treat the situation as if he has betrayed her. Ra is also pretty stoic and kind of hard to crack open to see the love and affection she can offer, so if you want your character to flirt with her, I cannot guarantee she will respond with more flirting.

What Skills does Ra Have?: Ra only has the skill Intellect, so just the simple meeting can help.

What does Amun Ra think about Companionship?: Amun Ra can form a bond with another every now and then, but it is rare. She was raised to be a leader, not be kind to everyone and stay around to be best friends with the first wolf she meets. Ra tends to make allies more than friends. However, if it is the right wolf, then she will consider pursuing a closer bond.

What I Want: Meeting others, making allies, romance, skill threads

What I am Fine With: Forcebreeding/sexual violence, violence, fights, kidnapping

What I do not Want: Packs (She plans to start her own at some point)

Side Notes: 1. I am on everyday almost all day, so I am very active. 2. If you want to know more about Amun Ra, then her Profile is the place to look.

Forsetia Nygaard (Viking)

Who is Forsetia Nygaard?: Setia is named after the Norse god Forseti, who is the god of Justice. Therefore, Setia obviously has a thing for justice, which is explained in her personality. Setia is two years old and will be joining the Viking Band created by Valkyrie. Setia was raised in war and weapons, but all her family was killed in a raid set upon them by nearby clans. She was the only one to escape.

Where is Forsetia?: Setia is currently located at the Battlefield where the Viking Band is being created.

What about Romance?: Setia believes in only having one mate and being faithful to that one mate. She is not the kind to have flings or sleep around. Nor is she the kind to purposefully seduce others.

What Skills does Setia Have?: Setia has the skills Intellect and Fighting.

What does Forsetia think about Companionship?: Setia believes having companionship can strengthen a clan/group/pack/band. The woman is stoic and blunt on the outside, but on the inside she longs for a bond with at least one other. So she is pretty in the middle on if she likes company or not.

What I Want: Meeting others, making allies, romance, skill threads

What I am Fine With: Forcebreeding/sexual violence, violence, fights, kidnapping

What I do not Want: Packs (since she is joining a Band)

Angelonia Wreckage

Who is Angelonia?:

Where is Angel?:

What about Romance?:

What Skills does Angel Have?:

What does Angelonia think about Companionship?:

What I Want: Meeting others, making allies, romance, skill threads

What I am Fine With: Forcebreeding/sexual violence, violence, fights, kidnapping

What I do not Want: Packs