
Crowd Control!



Master Fighter (310)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

10 Years
Extra large

Double MasterValentines 2020Treat 2019Promptober 2019
01-01-2019, 12:41 PM (This post was last modified: 01-01-2019, 01:12 PM by Éldi.)
dark mists are cloaking what the eyes can see

Blood spilled into his mouth as he seized the elk's throat. Éldi's bulk and weight quickly dragged the overwhelmed animal's head to the snow covered ground. With the help of the rest of the gang breakfast was all but assured. They were vicious, ravenous, and in moments the elk was dead. It'd been a stroke of luck to stumble upon an elk herd moving south and on top of that an injured buck. A gift from the gods certainly! Winter was proving a struggle to find food and he couldn't imagine what it would be like to try and survive on his own. Now that he was part of a band the opportunities for prey were much more satisfying. Sunlight spilled over the drifting snow but it did little to warm the air. It was cold, bitterly so but at least the wind was still for now.

Éldi ripped further into the elk's neck, working the flesh back from the wound as he dug into the meat. The blood as well as the elk's screams were bound to attract other desperate predators. Thank goodness most bears would be hibernating at this point. If he was attacked by another bear he'd assume he'd been cursed. Éldi wolfed down chunks of meat as his companion, Askr, perched on the elk's head and began to feast on its eyes. The yearling wrinkled his nose. He never could understand why the bird favored such a strange part of the animal.

Éldi's ears flicked back as a chorus if yipping howls echoed out over the snowy, winter morning. Oh gods… not more coyotes. He didn't raise his head, he kept eating, determined to get his fill before the grimy, little beasts were upon them. "Coyotes are approaching from the north and the east.  Bah! Looks like a dozen or so."  Éldi raised his head, stained with the blood of breakfast, to assess Askr's statement and swore before glancing at his compatriots. In particular he focused on Valkyrie. What was the plan?

Word Count: 338
Total: 338