
Crowd Control!



4 Years
Extra large
01-01-2019, 01:03 PM (This post was last modified: 02-17-2019, 08:31 AM by Aesir.)
His breath plumed out before him as Aesir panted, winded from the long chase. It had been a fortunate turn of luck to find such an easy bit of meat in times like these, but he would count his blessing after he filled his stomach. The snow was deep, and although he had trailed in the elk's tracks where he could, the antlered brute was nonetheless winded. Despite the bitter cold he knew he was radiating heat from within his thick coat. Éldi was the one who had brought the beast to its knees and spilled what blood made the difference, so he would restrain himself and wait until the younger male began to eat before he did.

Instead, Aesir turned to take stock of the others, and the forest around them. The stag had fallen in a reasonably open area which was quite convenient, but something about the place felt... off. Aesir sniffed the air, but upon smelling the freshly opened wounds of Éldi tucking into his meal, he turned back to the feast that awaited them.

He had not swallowed more than a few mouthfuls when a familiar and immensely irritating noise met his ears. Aesir growled against the elk's haunch before backing away and looking towards where he believe the sounds had come from. "Ertu að djóka?" He tipped back his bloodied muzzled and whispered curses at the sky. Then, "It'll be over my corpse that any of those mongrels swallow even a mouthful of our prize." The boy's bird claimed a dozen closing in. They must have banded together in the cold to seek out larger prey.

Or, clearly, to drive off larger predators. His hackles lifted, and the horned man snapped his teeth in the direction of the oncoming assault. He wondered how long it would take to convince the mutts they were biting off more than they would be able to chew. Aesir waited. Where once he might have charged off headlong, he knew better than to act with so little regard when there were others at play. A part of him rankled at not being able to choose his own path, but Valkyrie deserved the chance to prove herself. He waited as Éldi did, while the pack of coyotes closed in.

"Aesir Speaks" "Aesir Listens" Aesir Thinks
(Mouseover For Translations)

Word Count: 377
Total Words: 715