
Late Fall Cleaning



9 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantPride - LesbianCritical Hit!Treat 2019Promptober 2019
01-01-2019, 02:43 PM

Valdís mused over what she'd like to eat for lunch. She had some kill stored up but she didn't want to break into that too early. She was meant to be storing food for the winter, not devouring what she had worked so hard to store. Not that there was much. She debated about calling the pack together but in truth she didn't feel much like leading a large group hunt. Maybe she could snag a rabbit or migrating water fowl. She assumed that such creatures lived here in the south as well but she was sure she'd learn of different species and prey the area had to offer. Shame it didn't offer a cooler fall. She found herself uncomfortably warm after all the physical labor she was doing. Too complicate the issue the sun was rising higher in the sky and as it did the frost began to melt and the temperate was slowly climbing.

She caught the scent of her friend and turned to see Ásvor. She greeted the other woman with a smile, grateful that she had decided to stay with the pack.

"How are these new lands treating you so far?"

Valdís scowled and kicked at a muddy rock. "I can't say I find this new settlement all that appealing. I'm used to high altitudes and snow, not vast expanses of mud, but surely Chaos chose this area for a reason. I imagine the hunting and prey will be better but I worry it will make the make… soft." She kept her voice low. She respected Chaos and his vision but she hadn't really been expecting to spend the rest of her life in the southern lands. Hypocritical she knew. After all, she'd been a part of Talis not long ago but she was younger then and just eager for company, eager for battle.

"I don't know what I was expecting. I didn't expect it to be that different but I suppose that was foolish of me. Yet, I don't want to judge to soon. It could be that this area is just experiencing a mild fall so I reserve judgement until we see what comes with its winters."

She saw down and leaned up gently against one of the logs she'd laid at her den entrance, gesturing for Ásvor to sit with her. Her memory stirred with the thoughts of her close encounter with a mountain lion not long ago. She still bore the wounds which were mending but could use a little help. "How about you? How are you settling in? I was wondering if you might assist me with a bit of… uh… trouble I ran into." She twisted her neck to reveal four puncture woulds on the lower part of her neck just in front of her left shoulder blade. The wounds on the right were healing nicely but the other set was raw and sore. Just shifting her body reminded her of the pain and reminded her of what she still needed to tell her friend.

"Talk" "You" Think