



7 Years
07-13-2013, 08:10 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

The wolf's golden eyes danced from one particularly colorful glowing stone to the next, a dazzling smile lighting up her features as she padded quietly and further inside the large expansive cavern. It was simply beautiful in here, so much nicer even than the tide pools had been, and she was grateful that they were not made unpleasant by the same sort of company she had found the last time she had gone toward the shoreline. A mental note was made to return here occasionally, to enjoy the quiet comfort of the cave without the fear of being found by that ruffian again. He couldn't possibly stay away from her long enough.

Her peaceful isolation was short lived, however, though not made so by the same company that she avoided. The voice was unfamiliar but even as she froze and turned her head over her shoulder to glance back at him as he entered the cave as well there was a noticeable caution that settled over her, wary of the circumstances still being similar. But this was no brawny, pig-headed man bent on domination. In fact, it hardly seemed like his low voice should have been coming from his lithe, slender frame, smaller even than her own. How curious, she wondered, that even males now sported more feminine looking figures than she did.

Experiencing a sudden sense of jealousy, the golden eyed woman turned more fully, her manners never faltering. A pleasant, calculated smile settled over her face as her eyes searched him over, listening to his statements and making her own assumptions. A creature of the night. Hm. Oddly, that didn't sit well. She had assumed the last male to make her acquaintance of the same, having been bathed in those dark tones that made him a whole and complete shadow. But considering he lacked the structure to throw his weight around as that wolf had she was willing to allow a little benefit of the doubt to be had. It didn't seem too dangerous a thing to do.

"The night does have a gentler beauty, doesn't it?" she stated in agreement, mostly just to make herself appear friendlier and sympathetic to his opinions. Truthfully, she hardly cared; beauty could be found anywhere and at any time for her, but that was not important. What was important was figuring out whether she truly had anything to worry about here, and the best way to do that was to play along. "Softer lights and so much silver. It's quite lovely." The last phrase fell from her lips sincerely, since she did find some aspects of the night to be very appealing. It was too bad it also left so much darkness for shadows and unsavory creatures to slink around in. "I'm so very sorry, I forget my manners. My name is Tahlia Carlier." She executed a quick and polite dip of her head, always cordial, and awaited to see how the night-loving stranger might respond.

Sincerest Regards,

Tahlia Carlier