
A Dream of Spring

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
01-01-2019, 04:15 PM
Spider shrank back, away from her, and she paused. It wasn’t the first time he had shrunk away, specifically from her. She felt a little stab in her heart, uncertain why this wolf seemed so afraid of her. She had only ever offered him friendship and support. What was she doing wrong? He had opened up so easily in front of Rhyme, telling the other wolf all things that haunted him, but he barely seemed capable of looking at Shaye.

She didn’t approach any closer, staying back, and lowering herself a little to the ground, so her larger bulk wasn’t so imposing. Other then that, what could she do? She had tried the slow and gentle approach, and here it looked like she was going backwards in progress, rather then forward.

Ignis returned her greeting, and she was able to offer the other wolf a smile. It didn’t pass her attention that Spider had cowered only after Shaye had appeared. She could see where she wasn’t welcome. She might be an Alpha, and in charge of the wolves here, but she was no tyrant. “Spider.. I’m not.. I would never hurt you.” a soft sigh. “Alright.. Well, if thats where you wish to build it. Ignis, do you mind sticking around and watching out for him?” she asked the younger wolf. Maybe she should go fetch Rhyme and get him to talk Spider out of this den position. Clearly Spider didn’t want her around - talking him out of something wouldn’t be an option. She felt better if Ignis, the young warrior apprentice, hung around well she fetched someone else to speak to Spider.


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