



8 Years
01-01-2019, 06:24 PM

So far detached from the 'normalcy' of sleeping at night the beast did not see the issue with being up so late. Wandering in the evening hours was his way of life due to his skin issues. Thus, he was wide awake during these witching hours. His life had been rather uneventful after joining the pack. He met a few delightful females, Spider, and a few other Wolves but there was no true entertainment coming from anything. Going from the kingdom he use to reside within to this life of a nobody was testing him in odd ways. Though, thoughts of his new pack invaded his mind. There was desire to put in some work for Tyranis and prepare for the winter. He had yet to really meet many of his fellow pack members so he couldn't assume the work would be done by others. Nor did the phantom know how the winter affected the souther. Back home his family's pack had tundra territory, the winters were horribly cruel and led Hannibal to a true hatred for the snow and chilly weather as a whole.

Hannibal dove deep into his thoughts and his gaze never left the water below. Though, the pad-falls of another Wolf would not go unnoticed. His two toned ears perked up and his eyes lifted in order to scan for the source. Suddenly he locked onto an alabaster wolf with darker markings coming his way with a rather indifferent expression upon it's face. Hannibal raised his one true obsidian brow as he raised from his seated position. The male coming his way looked sturdy and there was no way the phantom would allow him to get the upper paw. But, just as the phantom began to raise his hackles the opposing Wolf let forth words that seemed to diffuse the initial tension. "Good evening, stranger. If you're looking for a good fishing spot, there's one over that way." The scent of both Spider's pack and fish came forth as well, causing the male to gain a bit of a curious look in his eyes. "Greetings." His tone was neutral and baritone as ever, lacking the usual flourish of femininity. "No fishing here. I've never particularly enjoyed the taste." Hannibal's nose wrinkled ever so slightly, "Mammals are more to my liking." He then eyed the pale Wolf before him, "Seems like you are fetching a midnight snack.. Do you have a case of the late night tummy grumbles?" His mannerism were much more playful now as a smirk slipped across his lips. He spoke himself into a much better mood, seemingly entertaining himself at this point.

speech action

This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.