
Among Clashing Tides



5 Years
Extra large
08-24-2013, 08:55 PM

Thanks Taur, that makes me feel good. My father would be so proud when I tell him. His own smile curled his inky lips. One because his words had succeeded in their mission of uplifting her spirits and two because she had called his Taur. No one had ever called him by a nickname, not even his own mother. Seraphine was the first to call him by that and it made the tip of his tail wag gently against his hind paws. Very proud. He added on as an after thought, icy gaze never wavering from her figure as she stood, repeating the same process she'd done with the little hole that he was lying in now. It wasn't until she'd finished digging her own little pit that she lied down, panting slightly from the exertion as she claimed that it was her turn for a question. Taurig gazed at her expectantly, ears perked forward with attention, awaiting to see what her question would be.

Miss Santhe, our alpha, has told us your father is challenging her for one of her members, a girl by the name of Liberty. Are you guys ready for a potential war? I'm not, especially since it's the girls' fault this is happening because she went and messed with the wrong wolf. Unnecessary trouble. A quiet sigh slipped past inky lips, one ear folding against his skull. He'd been hoping that she wouldn't bring that up. But he'd kind of set himself up for it when he'd introduced himself as the son of the king of Glaciem. Oh well now. far as the pack as a whole, I'm not really sure. We have more females than anything and most have no prior training in battle. I was trained since I was six months old, so I could hold my own, as well as our overseer Argent and my father too. We have another male that has recently joined as well as having Argent training some of the females, but prepared for war? I don't think so. We have no allies, as far as I know, so if this challenge escalated into war, we would be severely outnumbered. Mind you, I don't condone anything that my father is doing. I rather think it's ridiculous that he's going to challenge a pack for a child, but each to their own. I swore my loyalty and featly to my father, and I am a man of my word. But if it comes down to war... He paused, allowing his words to sink in, icy gaze meeting her bi-colored one.

Please find safety. Shelter yourself far from the heat of the battle. Your father as well. I would not like harm to come to your or him. As much as I would hate to, I would have to eliminate any who dare hurt my father because he is, after all my father. I do really sincerely hope that it doesn't come down to war. Based on how you've been with me, I have a fairly good idea what kind of pack Valhalla is and it is a pack that if I were in charge I would be allies with. My father though, is a different story. I do hope you hold no ill towards me if I do ever come to hurt one of your pack mates. I don't do it out of malice, but simply to follow orders. It's what a warrior is trained to do. It was only after he finished that his icy eyes danced away to look off into the distance, his features haven fallen into an unreadable mask, wondering what Seraphine was thinking.

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