
Here comes the anxiety

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
01-01-2019, 07:45 PM

"Talk" "walk"

Corvus’s attention seem to snap more clearly onto her, as she admitted how she and Lillie had been childhood best friends. “In fact, my mother had been close friends with her mother, and took Lillie under her wing. They had a falling out, but me and Lillie kept out friendship.” she would go on to explain. She couldn’t remember Lillie’s mothers name - having never met the woman, and didn’t know much more about her friendship with her mother. But she told the younger wolf what she could remember, seeing his interest in the subject.

“I left…” Shaye paused, emotion catching up to her, before letting it out again with a sigh. “Well, we left Abaven first because my father got sick, and my mother wanted to take him away to a quiet place to live out the rest of his life. Abaven was a busy place, strict on activity, and often had a lot going on. It was a pack that wasn’t afraid to put a hand into the wars happening in the world. But, well we lived on that island Vail got sick as well, very sick. We got word of a healer that could help her, and we took off to find him. He saved my sisters life, and the last of her sight, and asked for service as assistant healers as payment. We helped him for a few years before we were released and came here. I never intended to become the Alpha of this pack, but nor did I ever want to lose Abaven, I stepped up, not knowing what I was getting myself into. Now that I am the Alpha, I know that I will protect this pack with everything that I have.” she explained to him. “Rhyme’s return happened not to long after mine - but he had never been a part of this pack before now.” it was a lot of explaining to give, and she bared her soul perhaps more then she should have to the young wolf. Maybe he needed it, regardless, the words where out now.


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