
*rings dinner bell*



Beginner Fighter (0)

Beginner Hunter (0)


ContributorPride - PansexualEaster 2022Rapid Poster - SilverToys for Tots
01-01-2019, 09:02 PM
Position: TBA? Some kind of fighter? Would like to figure out IC :3
Name: Halvar Skaldi
Age: 2
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Gender: Male

A chimera from birth, Halvar has two distinctly separate genotypes. The first - and more natural - makes itself apparent on the right side of his body.  His coat on this half of his body is a murky brown, fading slightly around his cheeks and down his limbs. An even paler tan can be seen on the back of his hind flanks, his belly, chest and snout. The left side of his coat starts to creep over toward this side, the various shadows of blueish purple blend over onto his neck and shoulder area. The second side - his left side - is significantly more unusual, a palette of blues and purples that shift into one another gently, not at all unlike the colors of the northern lights. His back is marked with an assortment of stripes, most a dark navy but a few toward his tail are the same brown of his right side. As evidence from the stray brown stripes on his left side, and the patch of blue-purple fur on the shoulder of his right side, the split is not an even one. His face makes that apparent, the grey-blue fur seeming to creep across toward the right side of his face as though trying to claw its way across and consume the lighter side.

Oh yeah - his horns. The most noticeable thing about Halvar isn't his chimerism, believe it or not, but his horns. The horn that grows from the left, darker side of his body is slightly larger and more twisted, while the one on his right side is much smaller. Likewise, his eyes are different shades as well, one a pale blue while the other is darker. As far as build, he stands at a respectable 36", his muscles well toned from frequent travel and brawling.
Halvar is as two-faced as he looks. On one hand, he can be quite the gentleman - at least to the degree a Viking can be. Overall, especially to his peers, he's a generally quite amiable fellow, one who usually tries to be honorable and decent. Honor is extremely important to him, and he isn't one known for trickery or deception, or perhaps he simply doesn't have the attention span for it. He's easily swayed by those he trusts fully (mainly his brothers, of course) and is willing to go along with whatever plan comes up, without much question. He's also generally quite a physical creature, the type to leap to action before discussing a solution. Truthfully he's not much of the independent type, preferring to stick to those he's close to - his brothers help him feel grounded, and less like a leaf on the wind. Despite his inclination toward being social, he's generally self-reliant, having been taunted and

His other side is far more chaotic, fueled by his own deeply-seated anxieties. Being told as a young boy that he and his brothers were deeply cursed has been embedded deeply into his psyche. Somewhere deep in his heart he knows he is fundamentally flawed, and he often struggles against the duality of his own nature. When emotions run high, he gives in to this side of him, often being quick to act without thinking or fear of consequence. Likewise, when he feels so inclined he often uses this side of his to justify his misdeeds, feeling truly as though he's inherently cursed and being driven toward chaos regardless of what he desires. Some might call it mental illness, but if you ask him - he's merely been cursed. These thoughts frequently turn themselves loose on his dreams, and manifesting into a condition of chronic insomnia. Sometimes this state makes it hard to tell what is truly real or what is simply a nightmare.

History: Born in a small, loosely-connected group of families, Halvar and his two brothers - Kvasir and Aesir - were born amid rumors of a familial curse. Though most wolves thought it just a story, when the three started to sprout horns after birth it only confirmed the rumor as true. With their births came a hoard of bad luck, but only when the first happen did Halvar truly believe the quiet talk. Left to watch their yearling siblings, only to watch as the forest itself grew arms and stole the pups away, there was little surprise when the trio was blamed for their family's loss. They were immediately sent away and told only to return once they appeased the gods and reversed the curse placed upon them. Despite whatever his brothers think, Halvar tends to believe the curse is real, and is torn between trying to do right by his family and try to appease the gods capable of reversing their family's curse, or giving in to his darker side and roaming unchecked and embody the very curse that has shaped he and his brothers.