
I can not bear the shame



5 Years
01-01-2019, 09:08 PM
She went on the answer his question his interest drawing him in more. Trying to not draw any attention to how miserable she looked when he had first arrived. It seemed she didn't want to discuss what she was doing here and he didn't want to push any buttons. He was internally surprised to hear that she was the alpha, but externally he hid it not wanting to at all offend her in any way. He smiled at her as she smiled at him again going on to offer a stay within the pack for the winter. It was a kind offer, but the male's ears gently flattened then rose once more. He had never experienced the pack life and wasn't sure if he could properly fit in. Though he supposed it would be a good trial run to see if the pack life was for him. He looked down to the ground for a moment, thinking it over before looking back up to her.

"I appreciate the offer, but I don't want to be a hindrance to your pack. The food supplies belong to your members and taking on more mouths to feed may cause trouble if it ends up being a rough winter," he replied. "Although if you don't mind me close, I think this territory may be good to settle in for at least the winter."

He wouldn't be able to live with himself if her pack didn't have enough to last them through because they took him on. He could survive on his own he just needed to prepare. His mind doubled back to how she looked when he first approached wondering if he should ask? What did he have to loose? Worst thing that could potentially happen was she would physically attack him, but he really didn't feel like she was that type of person, especially after offering for him to live within her pack for the winter.

"I apologize if this may be fairly blunt or improper, but are you okay?," he asked.