
I can not bear the shame

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
01-01-2019, 09:30 PM
He would politely decline, pointing out that he had all he needed here. Her own ears moved back a little, though she didn’t show any other emotion otherwise. “I have the supplies necessary.. I might look a mess, but I took care of my pack first.” her laugh sounded a little bitter, though she tried to shake it off. “This land is unoccupied and I have no issue with you staying here. If you find yourself in a bit of a bind or a cold winter storm, you know my pack isn’t far.” it eased her conscience to say it. Abaven was the pack that cared, that took in the wolves that no one else would.

It helped her stand a little stronger despite what had happened, this reminder of the nature of the pack she led.

He would then bring up exactly what she had been avoiding, and a soft sigh escaped her. It hadn’t been that long ago that all this had occurred, the headache from the cursed drink still lingered beneath her temples. Perhaps that was why she said more then she might have otherwise. “We have a wedding about to happen in the pack, and I drunk more than I should have, intoxicated, I made a mistake I regret, which is why i’m out here looking sorry, rather then in my pack, looking like the leader i’m suppose to be.”


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