
Lips Of An Angel



07-11-2013, 04:45 PM


Orica swallowed briefly, uncertain and unsure. For a small second, as the male's tail brushed her legs in return, she felt secure. It was probably the oddest of all sensations to feel at such a time, but she did. He was letting her know that he was there. He was protecting her. The only reason that she could scrounge for was that, maybe, deep down, he had some sense of gratitude - or honor, as her father would've put it - she'd tried to save his life, and now he was trying to save hers. Orica remained still as the male took a step back. Her head was now beside his hips. And from there she could see his wound. She'd only just cleaned it. The mashed herbs she'd licked into the cut, were stemming the flow of blood in some places, but certainly not all. He should've have been getting up for another day at least! And then only to get himself to a stream and let the clean water work it's healing properties. To fight now was insane! But then he'd been insane enough to take on the moose, hadn't he?

Orica's ears fell back at the torrent of words exploding from the male. He told his sister to leave with language more colorful than he'd used on her. He even, threatened to kill her? Something was definitely up with this relationship. And the situation was made even more puzzling by the female's response. The word 'jealous' was used by both of them. Jealous? What had she to be jealous of? Orica thought, her white dotted brows knitting together over puzzled blue eyes. Well the male was helping her, wasn't he? Despite all the pain he was in, despite the fact he didn't know her, he was standing between her and danger and threatening his own family member just to keep her safe. Yeah, when it was put like that it really was something to be jealous of.

"You are in no position to make threats."

Orica's ears remained folded back after that. The female was right. She was terribly right. And smart too. Orica shivered as the seconds stretched on. How long could the male stand? It was only a matter of time before the blood loss got to his head, or he crumbled from the pain alone. His gut had been sheared open for crying out loud. Didn't-didn't the other female care at all? Even if they were mean to eachother - this was her brother. Did she want to see him die?

The softest of whines warbled out of the young girl's throat. What was she supposed to do? Wait, and she'd only see this male get more and more hurt. Run, and she'd be snagged within twenty yards. Fight? She couldn't fight a murderess. Maybe one of her giant 'brothers' would've at least had a prayer, but not her. She had no illusions in that respect. She knew enough about wounds to know how easily they could be given and how much damage they could do. There really only seemed one option. They were all wolves, right? Couldn't reason reach her at some level.

"Please," said Orica. She took a step forward, meaning to walk right up and stand on her own - but finding that the she could go no further than level with the male's shoulder. "I-I'm sorry that I didn't leave when I was told to. That-that was rude of me - But I was only trying to help. Your brother was-is hurt. I promise, if you let him rest, I'll leave right away - or-or I could keep tending him, if you didn't mind." Perhaps her words would be far too tame, after all, if they were used to such curses, what effect could she except from such pale, rather trembled words. But, regardless, she'd meant every one. She was sorry she'd come here. ...but not as sorry as she'd been when she'd started to feel tears. Whatever else this male was, here, in this moment, he was helping her. And she found that she only felt safe if she was close enough for him to guard. She let the tips of their fur brush, as she pulled back a little, wondering what would happen - not wanting any harm to come to anyone.
