
Can I choose to be happy?



7 Years
01-01-2019, 11:05 PM
Keeping such complete focus on the task at hand was difficult for the curious young woman, but she kept thinking about how proud her family might be of her and how she could help them and the pack if she got really good at this. Every time she got excited about the prospect of becoming successful and providing for others she'd continue following the scent with renewed vigor.

Hearing Shaye's voice was unexpected, but she'd caught sight of the dark furred woman before Shaye spoke so she didn't jump out of her skin like a fool for this particular interaction. Turning with a warm smile that crinkled the skin around her emerald eyes, Rhea nodded enthusiastically, her posture betraying that she was still a pinch nervous despite her excitement at the prospect of a hunting partner. Usually Rhea was too shy to ask someone to go with if she couldn't catch one of her siblings before they went off to do their own things. "Yeah, I'd love that! I think I'm still a ways away from catching up to them, I'm not sure how long it'll take to find them... These deer sure went for every blade of grass that looked nice," she mused, chattering on for a moment to release some of the tension she felt. Despite the girl's quieter nature she did want to get to know Shaye, so she'd just have to get past the initial jitters.

"The bucks smell muskier than the does, right?" she murmured as she moved to continue trailing the scent while making an opening for Shaye to walk next to her if the woman wanted to. "I smell... I think some young deer. One of them smells like a buck. It might be nice to have the antlers for things."