
I can get by on a little bad luck



6 Years
Extra large
01-02-2019, 12:59 AM (This post was last modified: 02-14-2019, 05:57 PM by Czernobog.)
It was difficult to decide if he found her amusing or more of an irritant. "Persistent, aren't you?" he commented, the uncertainty he felt coming through in his thickly accented voice. Normally others got bored with his standoffish attitude by now and he was free to go on about his business. Such a change of pace was a little jarring at first but he'd recover quickly enough.

A soft huff that sent vapor clouding up from his muzzle and drifting through the cold air was his sole response to her next response. Truthfully he was distracted by trying to decide where he thought her accent was from. It might be cheating but the thickness of her fur had him figuring she was from the north, but, it didn't matter much in the end.

Bog lifted a brow at the question she posed, pretending to consider it even though he was really just trying to deny that he'd ended up erring on the side of liking this girl's spunk and ambition. Glancing around the empty battlefield for effect, he looked at her quite seriously and shook his head, "Nope, seems you might be outta luck. Looks like if you're that bent on recruiting I'm your only option. Pity, I'm sure there's someone younger and stronger out there though if you know where to look. Or maybe at least someone who's a little more fun." He tried to maintain some of that carefully crafted air of disinterest in what she was up to, but his resolve was beginning to waver just a bit.

"I'm not that easily won over though, the last wolves I followed all went on to disappoint me in one way or another. One of them met his end by my fangs," he continued casually as could be. "So you see, I like to be a little more choosy these days with who I give my allegiance to. Wouldn't want to be disappointed again." If she listened carefully perhaps she'd even hear that slight trepidatious waver that entered his voice for a moment.