
teeth and ambition



7 Years
01-02-2019, 07:26 AM
Deep into that darkness peering,
long I stood there, wondering, fearing...

Tonight her heart wants out of her own chest. It wants to beat free of its cage. It pounds like it's going to crack a rib or beat a tattoo against her ribcage. The vampiric siren senses were on high alert as her violet gaze narrowed to focus on one particular cow that seemed for the moment to run behind the herd. Was it injured or just old? Every colour is brighter, every noise louder, every strange bush a cause to make her heart beat more fiercely still but she could not stop now, she did not want to stop now. Sure her lean muscles were stronger and she was more awake than she has ever been, but this was not a situation where running hard for a long time was going to help; at some point their stamina was going to run low, it was either them or the cow.

Audits flickered on top of her chiseled crown, registering the other woman primal yips and barks for her attention and using her peripheral vision the vampiric siren managed to notice what they were all about. Feline slits, focusing on one single cow that was indeed injured. Their target, long legs to carry it for miles and probably stamina for it but she would not be a match for them, not with that injured limb that must hurt whenever the cow lets it collide with the terrain. Chance, they say it all came to chance when hunting but she was going to prove them wrong. Strategy, that is what it was all about. One wit, one game. The siren made a substantial effort, digging her claws in the dirt from balance, pushing her lean mile-long limbs in a final effort to carry her faster; one would swear she was floating, that she was a mere spectre. Her build was made for flexibility and speed, as she reached the right side of the cow; it took a moment or two, a bark or two to her companion and seemingly rival before she launched an attack. Jaws agape, salivating jaws aimed for the herbivore side; jugular was left unprotected as the mammal panicked for its own survival and escape. Deep, she was deep inside it for a split second before the mammal slipped away with crimson liquid dripping from both of them. But alas,the herbivore injuries  expanded and it should not take long.

html by castlegraphics; art by sevil-s
Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together