
teeth and ambition



7 Years
01-02-2019, 01:07 PM
Deep into that darkness peering,
long I stood there, wondering, fearing...

They were no longer playing the long game, it was time to act. Show her a knife and she will show you naked skin, for when she will heal she will be stronger than others. Come to break her bones and she will stand with pads rooted in the same spot, for when she heals her bones will be stronger than others. The egyptian temptress has direction and focus, and so even her smallest steps carry her further than the ashen woman greatest strides. It was not training, it was not strenght it was simply how genetics worked; the temptress was taller, mile-long legs carried her across the terrain once again as she was left behind but she had attacked first and in her mind that was a small victory. She was strength without power, leadership without dominance, something priceless in every sense. Perhaps once Leera stood beyond her and looked back, laughing, she will need to look again. It is her who is now ahead' but not for long. Violet orbs, narrowed and focused on the scene before her, looks like the ashen woman had a plan of her own and was not long behind. The herbivores were tall and strong, a single blow to the right place could cause a plethoria of damages; she might need some assistance but did she wanted to help a competitor?  

This was more than a challenge now. They were here, together and they needed to act like a single organism in order to defeat the mighty herbivore. A long stride, claws dug into the frozen terrain; she lunched forward, smacking her left shoulder blade into the mammal in order to provide a better and inclined angle for the ashen woman.

html by castlegraphics; art by sevil-s
Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together