
Ain't it fun living in the real world?


01-02-2019, 03:58 PM
The female was standoffish at best, but the little Male was anything but. If anything he found the friendly nature of the boy a sign that these lands weren't completely devoid of good interactions. Though the way the woman spoke seemed like she might not be easy to sway to liking him. It was whatever though. Couldn't win every time he found a woman. Or man for that matter.

He refused to follow suit and sit though. These lands were colder than he was used to and no reason to make his butt cold if he didn't have to. He gave a deep chuckle at the way she guarded herself. "Well if you must know, I'm on a journey to find a land where I better fit than my homeland, along with running from a brat that insists that I'm her dad." he was serious but his tone was half joking.

The way she then went on to ignore him and speak to the boy, now identified as Gavroche had him lifting a brow. He couldn't say much though, he had slept with older women as a teen. But none of them actually had started the flirting. Did she realize he was only a teen? He came to stand next to the boy, a little interest in how this was going to play out. His eyes were on Houdini though, sure she was old enough to know what the woman implied. Though it was hard to judge, as pests weren't usually something he had any relationship with, since they were usually food and all. Then he was eyeing the wings on the boy. "Zuberi.... so do these things actually work or are they just decorating you?" he lifted a paw and attempted to touch them, carefully since he knew birds were breakable and he assumed the same of these.