
Sunrise Sunset [Nephthys]

Amun Ra


2 Years
01-02-2019, 05:33 PM
A furious growl rose up within the goddess' chest and escaped her maw. How could any man abandon his own children? Fury flashed like lighten within the golden orbs of the woman. What made the situation worse was that Amun Ra was named after the whore! Snout wrinkled as white teeth shown themselves in the sunlight. The great star was now in full view of the world. Flame-like head whipped around to stare at the burning rays head on. Her eyes did not squint, no not at all. A snorted shook her nose as her attention was once again claimed by her sister. Yes, half sister. It was like the woman had ran into a wall. Amun Ra was not alone anymore. She had once believed that her whole family was ripped away from her grasp. However, the gods had blessed her with one of her own blood. Perhaps Ra's unfaithful adventures paid off, though he still had no excuse to run away from the things he had created. He had created goddesses. The only ones left of the royal, Egyptian blood line, at least for now. Of course there could very well be more of them, but for now it was just the two. Eyes wandered back to the purple hues of her sister. "A lovely, powerful name," she replied with sincerity. What other lineage deserved powerful names other than theirs? A moment of silence enveloped the pair as Amun Ra took a few heart beats to think. "What are we to do now?" The whole ordeal was a real shock, and now the woman really had no clue how to continue on.