
teeth and ambition



7 Years
01-02-2019, 05:45 PM
Deep into that darkness peering,
long I stood there, wondering, fearing...

The crimson liquid didn't gush in a constant flow, but in time with the beating of the mammal's heart. At first it came thick and strong, flowing through her needle like canines as they clasped the ripped flesh. The egyptian temptress felt the crimson, vital liquid move and stain her throat and chest, the thick fluid no warmer or cooler than her own skin stained not only them but also the frozen terrain underneath. After a few moments more, the blood was still leaving the herbivore rapidly paling flesh, but the pulses were slower, weaker.

Audits rotated towards the source of the snal, optics narrowed, feline; aggression poured through them as her heart beat a continous tattoo, adrenaline still pumping it to the core. The egyptian temptress encountered it with a snarl of her own, hreathing heavily, she refused to remove her incisors until the mammal laid breathless, godless. It did not take long, her jaws were locked in place, puncturing like needles the external jugular vein; the soft tissues, the vital liquid pouring down her throat, tasting it's elements, just like a fine whiskey, burning down her throat. she felt alive.

Before long the mammal gave its last breath, it stared into the sky with eyes that saw nothing. Already they were becoming more dry and dull. It was over. Needle like canines retreated from the soft tissues of skin as droplets of crimson liquid continued to pour from the open wound. Smirk, laschiviously tuggind at her full, ebon lips; her pretty maw was stain with the vital fluids of the might herbivore yet her beauty was present, wild and feral, different than before; primal instict took place and the filth within her luxurious coat added to it. Not bad for an old lady, jewel melodious tones were offeren in a slight mock; raising a teacup pad to place upon the mammal skull in victory. I am conviced that now you have opened your eyes and see just how superior my genetics are. she mocked sensually, a purr, a hiss; her vocals heavy with her breathing as the heat got to her.

html by castlegraphics; art by sevil-s

meh post, sorry ;c
Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together