
Death changes things



4 Years
Extra large

Critical Fail!Christmas 2019
01-02-2019, 10:03 PM (This post was last modified: 12-13-2019, 11:57 AM by Célestin.)


Célestin had been living his life in a daze of giddy happiness; even the cloud of the circumstances of his birth couldn't put a damper on the feelings of contented happiness the days he spent with Pegasus gave him. He had told his friend that he'd follow him with whatever it was he was determined to do; he was taking his cue from Pegasus, though he knew he'd need to talk to his mother and uncle soon. Then he'd need to seek out his sisters and let them know where he was going... Bas... well he hadn't been seen for a while and he wasn't particularly concerned with how Blaise felt about any of it; Blaise had lost any right to have a say in his life when he'd decided he was the arbiter of all of them.

Today though... well today was doing its damnedest to ruin his plans and sink his feelings. Not that he knew that yet. No all Célestin knew right now was that his brother had made a call from near the border... where Naeva's den was. He realized this as he drew closer. Then the stench hit him...

Sudden dread settled like a pit in Célestin's stomach, he picked up his pace, near on careening straight into the ground as he shoved his way into his sister den and...

The boy retched, the sudden scent of death hitting him like a wall. His sister looked like she could be sleeping... Célestin gently nosed at her paws, feeling her skin on his nose. Cold.

As Célestin turned away from his brother, who was cradling his sister's corpse, he did throw up this time. Heaving until his stomach was empty and still his stomach tried desperately to empty itself, his body shaking with each wracking retch.

Finally he stopped, whipping his muzzle on his shoulder. "Blaise..." He began to speak, looking at his brother holding Naeva's form so tenderly he almost couldn't believe it was his callous brother in front of him. His eyes prickled with tears. "Blaise... what-what the fuck happened?" He stepped toward his brother, anger flashing through him and as he cried he growled at his brother. "What the fuck happened?" He said again, hissing this time. He was a mess of sadness and fear and guilt and anger and anger and anger... and Blaise, Blaise would be its target.

Art by Blue-Onyx
[Image: dxada_by_sterling_raven_by_lolaf-dccz5i2.png]
Célestin speaks both French and English fluently, hover for translations.
I just got back from moving, please help me catch up by dropping threads I owe here. <3