


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
01-03-2019, 01:39 AM

Ace had been running behind Tyranis, their earlier confrontation forgotten for the moment. He followed the trail up the mountainside, taking it in great leaps and bounds. His heart hammered against his chest, fear gripping him at the thought of what he might find. His mind kept turning with thoughts of Actaea, fearing that she had fallen victim to some horrible thing on the mountain. He hoped she had been smart enough to avoid the mountain, knowing it was incredibly dangerous with the packs of coyotes and the burning lava that lied within. The smell of sulfur and ash burned his nostrils and stung his eyes, but he pressed on regardless. He moved faster than he thought himself possible, but he needed to get to the top as quickly as possible. Actaea and Ignis were the two most important beings in his life right now, and he would do whatever it took to protect them. Even if it meant losing his own life to save theirs.

The smell of blood mixed with the smell of ash and sulfur and fire made his head reel. It was a sickening stench, and although Ace had a strong stomach, the smell that steadily drew closer made him nearly want to vomit. Even so, he pressed on until he reached the top.

What he saw upon arrival stopped him in his tracks. Standing up ahead was the last wolf he expected to see. Elias. Crimson gaze stared past Tyranis, locking on Elias for the longest time. He noticed the blood and gore on Elias' muzzle, his chest, his fur...and then Ace's gaze slowly drew downward. He felt his heart stop when he spotted the body. And for a moment, he wasn't sure who it was. But then he recognized it. Domina! His mind screamed. He took in the gory sight of the remains. His niece, torn and massacred. Her chest was peeled back, her body twisted in agony. Her eyes...gone. Ace couldn't stop looking at her. His body had stiffened, unable to breathe as he stared at her lifeless form.

And then as if he was brought back to life, crimson gaze full of rage locked on Elias like the venomous orbs of a rattlesnake. "Eliiaaasss!" He roared. Ace bared his teeth, his rage forming so fast that it was reminiscent of the very volcano that they stood on, ready to erupt. "What. Did. You. Do!?" He hissed. He knew what had happened. He could see Elias' mismatched gaze. The gore on him. He had killed Domina. And for what reason, Ace didn't know yet. His gaze briefly found Tyranis before returning to Elias again. "This is the creature you look up to, Tyranis? This...murderer!?" Ace remained rooted to the spot, though already his hackles rose and the beginnings of a snarl were forming as his lips peeled back to bare his fangs. Elias would not walk away unscathed today.
