
Dancing In The Sunlight!



07-11-2013, 05:32 PM


Orica raised her head. Had that been thunder? She gazed up at the sky, ears perked and puppish mouth hanging slightly open. No, she didn't think so. There were clouds in the sky, and it was getting a little darker, but it didn't look or smell like a storm was coming. But then what in the world could it have possibly been?

The little girl had been begining to explore other lands. Her trips were never very long, and never tooo far, but she knew that wouldn't matter if her parents caught her. If that happened, she didn't know what would be worse, her father threatening to rip off her ears, or her mother's sad look of disappointment. But it was only fair right? Crusade's boys got to explore off whenever they wanted. And she was getting older - she'd be nine months soon. She could already track all sorts of scents and (after a bunch of tries) could catch something to eat on her own. She didn't want to be out on her own all the time - no, no, far from it - but she did like to venture out now and again to experience the world through her eyes alone. And ears, today.

Orica picked up the pace and started running towards where the source of the sound seemed to have come. It was an odd place this - she noticed several craters and holes in the earth that had long ago been filled in with grass. Some were the perfect size for a couple of wolves to curl up and sleep in, others were big enough to house a whole family. And another one - longer and thinner had filled up with rain water. Orica was just thinking of going over to get a drink when a horrid, acrid smell assaulted her sensitive nose. There were shreds of smoke still hanging in the air, and the smell of burnt earth was strong - but she could see no fire.

What she did see was the strangest animal, she had ever laid eyes upon. How to describe it? It- well at first it looked like a huge wolf with a beautiful, extremely long furred tail. But then it's face came around. It's head was too small and it's nose was too long. Was that even a nose anymore? Or was it a long furry tongue? Orica's eyes bulged. It was strange enough to scare some pups, but she was just so surprised... "What are you?" she blabbed out at once.
